Insurance & Payment Information

Pay Online

Eye Care for The Whole Family

Whether you’re booking an eye exam for yourself or your loved one, you deserve a payment process that’s easy and simple to understand.

Alongside our comprehensive Friends & Family Plan, we also work with a number of insurance providers and offer financing options through CareCredit. If you have any questions or concerns about our payment processing methods, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

Financing Options Through CareCredit

CareCredit is an easy and convenient way to finance certain types of eye treatments with no upfront costs, no monthly fees, and low interest rates.

Applying is easy, and any payment $300 and over qualifies for financing. If you pay off your finance plan early, no problem! CareCredit doesn’t charge prepayment penalties, making it easier for you to pay for your treatment faster.

Check out the CareCredit website and apply today!

Insurance Providers

We currently bill several insurance providers through Anagram.

Other providers we can bill to include:

If you don’t see your plan or have questions about our payment processes please give us a call!

Sunbit pay-over-time

Our team is proud to now offer Sunbit as a monthly payment option. Sunbit approves 90% of patients with no hard credit check and no late fees.

Check out the link below to see how much you are pre-qualified for!

View Our Location

Our Address

  • 1211 Hauck Dr.
  • Rolla, MO 65401

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